We work with a range of stakeholders across public health including accredited bodies, government bodies and charities.


Campaigning groups and alliances which RSPH is proud to be
a member of

Alcohol Health Alliance

Alcohol Health Alliance RSPH is part of the Alcohol Health Alliance coalition of over forty organisations, including medical colleges, charities and alcohol campaigners, seeking to increase awareness of alcohol-related harm, promote evidence-based policies and crucially, influence decision makers at all levels to achieve real change in this important health issue.

Food for Life

Food for Life

Food for Life is a network of schools and communities across England committed to transforming food culture. Together we are revolutionising schools meals, reconnecting young people with farms and inspiring families and communities to cook and grow food.

The Partnership brings together the expertise and enthusiasm of five food focused charities – the Soil Association, Focus on Food, Health Education Trust, Garden Organic and RSPH.

HPV action

HPV Action Working with HPV Action, RSPH continues to support calls for the HPV vaccination to be extended to males, and as part of this we published a widely received policy paper.

Obesity Health Alliance

Obesity Health Alliance

As part of the Obesity Health Alliance, RSPH has joined forces with 16 other leading health charities and medical organisations to make policy recommendations to tackle one of the most pressing public health problems facing the UK – the growing obesity epidemic.


Smokefree Action Coalition

Smokefree Action Coalition As part of the Smokefree Action Coalition, RSPH joins a large number of organisations from across the health landscape in working to reduce smoking rates and tobacco-related harm, the primary cause of avoidable death and illness in the UK, by campaigning for the implementation of an effective tobacco control strategy.


Organisations RSPH has worked in partnership with 

American Public Health Association

The American Public Health Association champions the health of all people and all communities. It aims to strengthen the profession of public health, share the latest research and information, promote best practices and advocate for public health issues and policies grounded in research. They are the only organization that combines a 140-plus year perspective, a broad-based member community and the ability to influence federal policy to improve the public’s health.

Centre for Citizenship and Community (with UCLan and RSA)

Centre for Citizenship and Community logo The Centre for Citizenship and Community aims to provide excellent support for policy, research, learning and local practice in community engagement and social inclusion using a Connected Communities approach underpinned by co-production principles.

Data Collection and Reporting System

Data Collection and Reporting System

The Data Collection and Reporting System (DCRS) provides a strong evidence base to demonstrate the success of those working in health promotion, including Health Trainers in targeting ‘hard to reach’ groups, supporting behaviour change and improving the mental wellbeing of clients.

RSPH is working with the DCRS on a series of reports charting the successes and some of the challenges for people working in health promotion.

Future Fit

Future fit.jpg

The Future Fit Training business was founded in 1993 by Rob Johnson, out of the passion to create better qualified fitness professionals. Twenty-five years on, and over 30,000 students later, Future Fit remains at the forefront of the industry. 

As winners of ukactive’s ‘Supplier of the Year’ and 'Innovation of the Year' award in 2018, coupled with their two-time award win of ukactive’s 'Training Provider of the Year' award in 2016 and 2017, Future Fit Training are recognised within the sector for their outstanding quality of training and impact on the health and fitness sector.

Key to the company's success has been their close and collaborative work with industry experts, who share in the vision to deliver high quality skills and education services.  Working alongside ukactive and CIMSPA to create an annual investigative agenda for Raising the Bar, Future Fit Training is the driving force behind uncovering the key industry issues that concern operators and implementing the changes to address these.

Greater Manchester Fire Service

Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service

Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service is one of the largest Fire and Rescue Services outside of London with over 2,100 members of staff and 41 fire stations located across the 10 local authority boroughs.

RSPH has been working with Greater Manchester Fire Service over the last year in providing development support on the design of the new Safe and Well Checks and the delivery of a health improvement training programme. Health Improvement sits at the heart of the new Safe and Well Checks and we have trained 20 frontline fire fighters in understanding health improvement and more bespoke training around substance misuse (drugs and alcohol).

John Snow Society

The John Snow Society

The John Snow Society aims to promote the life and works of Dr John Snow, the pioneer of epidemiological method and celebrated anaesthetist.

Local Government Association


The Local Government Association (LGA) and the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) have joined forces to deliver training that enables elected council members to champion health improvement in their communities. The training incorporates the learning outcomes from the RSPH Level 2 Award in Understanding Health Improvement, which aims to establish a baseline understanding of prevention and health improvement issues and challenges. The programme has been designed to develop elected members’ knowledge and understanding of national and local community health and wellbeing policies and priorities, to help them make more informed decisions when planning for their locality.

Professional Standards Authority

Professional Standards Authority

RSPH is working with the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) which accredits registers of people working in health and care occupations that are not regulated by law.

We will be exploring the extent to which the 63000 people working in this sector can be part of the wider public health workforce.

South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust

South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust

South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM) provides care and treatment for people with mental health problems. It also supports research into new and better treatments and works to promote good mental health and wellbeing.

RSPH, in partnership with SLaM, has produced an interactive board game for schools, ‘Truth, Dare or Share’. This has been designed by young people, for young people, and is a version of the DIY Happiness game - part of the Wheel of Wellbeing initiative. The game is an educational resource which supports happiness and wellbeing. RSPH has also accredited SLaM’s Mental Wellbeing Impact Assessment training programme. This provides an understanding of the factors which support mental wellbeing and the assessment process which ensures that policies and services have a positive impact on mental wellbeing.

RSPH is also an evaluation partner in the “Minding Health” project led by SLaM and funded by Health Education South London. The project will develop, deliver and evaluate a training programme which increases knowledge about the factors which have a positive impact on wellbeing and the confidence to have a meaningful conversation with others about wellbeing to signpost them to appropriate activities, services and resources.

Well Communities

Well Communities The Well Communities programme invests in local community-led projects by finding out from local people what they would like to be improved in their communities and developing programmes that reflect each community's particular health and wellbeing needs.

West Midlands Fire and Rescue Service

West Midlands Fire and Rescue Service

Since 2014, RSPH has been working with West Midlands Fire and Rescue Service (WMFS) in a strategic partnership leading on organisational development through a consultancy approach and by building capacity and capability in health improvement across there front line fire fighters and vulnerable people’s officers.

RSPH is working to embed health improvement as a core prevention and wellbeing function across the organisation, as part of the organisational development and growth model. Health is everybody’s business and WMFS is focussing excellence amongst the workforce, working with local people and partnerships to tackle the root 'causes of the causes' with a focus on vulnerable residents and communities.

World Federation of Public Health Associates

World Federation of Public Health Associates

World Federation of Public Health Associates (WFPHA) is an international, nongovernmental organization composed of multidisciplinary national public health associations.

It is the only worldwide professional society representing and serving the broad field of public health and its mission is to promote and protect global public health.