Chair of the Behaviour Change Special Interest Group, Graham Rushbrook is a qualified social worker and trainer.
Graham has executive level experience in the NHS, Department of Health and Local Authorities, as well as being a core member of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Public Health Advisory Committee Programme. Graham is also chair of the RSPH health and wellbeing awards programme.
The Behaviour Change Special Interest Group (SIG) has a specific focus on the wider public health workforce.
There are an estimated 15 million individuals who, through the course of their work, have the opportunity or ability to positively impact the public’s health, be it in terms of brief advice, signposting or leading a community-based initiative.
Through this SIG, RSPH is seeking to bring these individuals together in one forum to share best practice, learn from each other’s examples and contribute to key policy debates.
This group will provide access to up-to-date resources and research, opportunities to attend networking and learning events and influence government policy as a group with shared aims.
Aims of the group
- Feeding into government consultations as a professional body
- Sharing experiences, competencies and best practice
- Organising occasional topical seminars and workshops
This Special Interest Group is open to all RSPH members with an interest in behaviour change. If you are already a member of this Special Interest Group please click here to access the resources.
If you have any questions, please email Melissa.