This report was published in June 2013. Please be aware that more current information may exist and that its positions may no longer reflect those of RSPH.

Arts, Health and Wellbeing Beyond the Millennium: How far have we come and where do we want to go?

A report by the RSPH Working Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing, June 2013

This report gives an overview of the arts and health field, with particular reference to the UK and New Zealand.

It provides a review of the evidence for the benefits of the arts to health, as well as the policy context of commissioning arts and health initiatives. It also highlights the potential role arts can play within professional education contexts (for example within medical training) as well as within therapy, healthcare and community settings.

It includes case studies and subjective reflections on how the arts can interact with health and wellbeing, and also suggests ways forward for development of the arts in support of culture, health and wellbeing.