
Hidden is an immersive podcast, workshop and live theatrical show that harnesses participatory arts approaches to innovate in patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE), and bring about positive change in health and social care.

Hidden is co-produced with people with different lived experience, predominantly in Tameside, and with researchers from several UK universities. 





Converge is a partnership between York St John University and the NHS Trust. For 14 years Converge has offered arts courses, based on campus, to local people who experience mental ill health, to aid recovery and promote social mobility. University students and staff are involved in the delivery and support of courses.



Creative Alternatives is an arts-on-prescription programme to offer a non-medical intervention for St Helens Borough adult residents experiencing anxiety, stress and/or depression. 

St Helens Borough Council undertook an open tender process to commission an organisation to deliver this programme, resulting in Alef Trust delivering Creative Alternatives in St Helens since 2015.