This report was published in September 2017. Please be aware that more current information may exist and that its positions may no longer reflect those of RSPH.


RSPH and Slimming World conducted research to ask the general public about their experience of upselling – to be persuaded to buy something additional or more expensive than they otherwise would have bought – and nearly 80% of them said they had experienced being upsold to at least once in a week.

The consequence is that every three days we are offered an extra or larger portion of food or drink that is high in fat, salt or sugar.


Key points

  • More than two-thirds of the UK adult population are now overweight or obese
  • Obesity-related illness is predicted to cost the NHS £10 billion per year by the year 2050
  • The food and drink industry use a variety of marketing techniques to persuade consumers to consume more
  • Upselling is used by the food and drink industry to “persuade customers to buy something additional or more expensive” that they otherwise wouldn’t have bought
  • More than three-quarters (78%) of the public experience upselling at least once in a typical week
  • One in three buy a larger coffee than intended, upgrade to a large meal in a fast food restaurant and buy chocolate at the till in a petrol station in the course of a typical week
  • The average person in the UK will be upsold unhealthy high calorie food and drink 106 times per year
  • Drip-drip effect of regular upselling means the average person who is upsold to will consume more than 17,000 extra calories per year as a result of the upselling of unhealthy high calorie food and drink
  • People who take an upsell will generally spend around 17% more money but receive 55% more calories
  • These extra calories amount to an estimated weight gain of around 5lbs per year
  • Young people aged 18-24 are the most likely to experience upselling, consuming an additional 750 calories per week as a result and potentially gaining 11lbs in a year


  • For consumers to be more aware of additional calorie intake from upselling
  • Business rates relief for businesses that try to improve the public’s health