This report was published in May 2019. Please be aware that more current information may exist and that its positions may no longer reflect those of RSPH.


Our policy paper looks at the mental health of the hospitality workforce and how it can be improved. 

Key Points

  • Hospitality is the third biggest employment sector in the UK
  • The working culture of the hospitality sector is currently stressful and demanding; three quarters (74%) have reported being verbally abused by a customer
  • As a result, many employees report poor mental health and wellbeing, with one in five (20%) reporting severe mental health problems they believe to be a direct result of their job
  • Our survey revealed that almost two thirds (62%) of workers do not think the sector looks after its employees
  • The mental wellbeing support available for workers is inconsistent, and where it is available there is limited awareness amongst employees

Suggested Recommendations

  • Employers to put in place systems and processes that protect mental health and wellbeing, including:
    • Sick leave
    • Regular one-to-ones between managers and employees
    • Mental health first aiders
    • Training, such as the RSPH Level 2 Award in Understanding Mental Wellbeing
  • Improved enforcement of employment rights
  • Further research into what hospitality can learn from best practice in workplace wellbeing within other sectors


Related RSPH policy