The Community Health Development Award celebrates the work of successful place-based initiatives that improve the health of residents and community environments in a way that contributes to long-lasting change. We are immensely proud to highlight and support the efforts of this year's nominees, who have done fantastic work to bring public health into their communities.
2024 Winner

Volunteer Centre Hackney - Volunteering in Primary Care (Together Better)
This programme is a partnership with City and Hackney Primary Care Networks to improve patient health and wellbeing and reduce pressure on GP staff through building a community hub at practices - by supporting patients to volunteer, share skills, and to deliver varied, healthy and fun activities.

ART BRANCHES CIC - Chronicles of Greyfriars
Chronicles of Greyfriars’ enabled people with health inequalities to participate in a stimulating and rich environmental heritage project. The purpose of Art Branches project was to widen the existing audience reach, introduce social prescribing into the area, improve health outcomes in the local community and help the future sustainability of three sites.

The Making It Happen Partnership - Making it Happen
At the heart of Making it Happen (MIH) is recognition of the connection between community empowerment and health. MIH adopts Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approaches to work alongside people in neighbourhoods across East Sussex to identify, connect and build from positives that exist, thereby sustainably addressing health inequalities
Award criteria
Entered projects and programmes should demonstrate:
Utilisation of theory-based community development approaches
Communities and local organisations working together to analyse local health needs and prioritise actions to improve health and wellbeing, build resilience and reduce inequalities
Community structures that are capable of delivering services, representing communities, influencing local/national public services and policy makers
Comprehensive and integrated place-based approach that demonstrates community engagement and governance
To register your interest for 2026, sign up below.
Previous winners