The Gambling Health Alliance

The objective of the Alliance is to bring together organisations and individuals, specifically policy makers, who have a shared interest in reducing the damage caused to health and wellbeing from gambling. 

The Alliance will support policy-making and policy makers to address the social, economic and cultural factors that contribute to gambling harm and the inequalities in health caused by it. The alliance will seek to:

  • Highlight the levels of gambling harms
  • Engage and inform policy makers, Government, NGOs and public health communities in order to encourage a coherent and co-ordinated response to reducing gambling harms
  • Promote evidence so it can be translated into practical steps 
  • Undertake periodic surveys and polling to inform GHA campaigns to increase awareness of the health harms from gambling
  • Focus on prevention, early intervention, and increased community engagement. 

Contact us

Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @GamblingHealthA

Reports, Research and Consultation Responses

Find out more about the research, reports and consultation responses that members of the Gambling Health Alliance have created to raise awareness of gambling related harms and pressure the Government to make changes to laws.

Consulation response - GHA response to the CAP consultation on scheduling and targeting of National Lottery advertising

Consultation response - GHA response to the Gambling Act Review call for evidence

Consultation response - GHA response to the DCMS call for evidence on the impact of loot boxes

Consultation response - GHA response to the CAP consultation on stricter rules for gambling ads

Consultaion response - GHA response to the CAP consultation on advertising in-game purchases

Gambling Act review 

The Gambling Act 2005 is now 15 years old, but despite minor amendments it is no longer fit for purpose, particularly given the huge growth in online and mobile gambling. A great deal of harm has been unleashed on the public including:

  • Financial difficulties
  • Mental health problems
  • Addiction 
  • Indirect harms to individuals who do not gamble
  • Relationship strain
  • Criminality
  • Widening health inequalities 
  • Wellbeing issues 

The GHA is calling for the Gambling Act Review to take a public health approach to reducing gambling harms, by:

  • Protecting the young and the vulnerable and taking a precautionary approach
  •  De-normalising gambling by reducing exposure to it
  • Introducing equivalent measures between the online and offline worlds
  • Investment in research, education and treatment

Read our position paper for full details on what we want to see in the Gambling Act Review.


The resources and training produced by the Gambling Health Alliance members aim to educate people on the prevalence of gambling harms and how to support people who have been affected by gambling disorders.

Blogs and Releases

Our range of gambling health blogs have updates on a range of vital issues including gambling in online gaming and gambling organisation advertising.

Gambling Health Alliance Members 

The Gambling Health Alliance is comprised of leading policy-makers, NGOs and charities who share the aim of reducing gambling harms and making gambling health disorders a public health priority. Find out more about the members of the Gambling Health Alliance and updates on the Alliance’s work.


Gambling Health Alliance Meeting Notes and Terms of Reference

Gambling Health Alliance Newsletter

Stay up to date with the latest developments in gambling health by signing up to the Gambling Health Alliance newsletter.